Restoring the Church to the Original Blueprint
Photo of the Synagogue at Capernum.
The Galilee Project
A Return to the New Testament Church of the Book of Acts
There are many of us who believe the New Testament Church of the Book of Acts is the model we should follow, but what is this model? Where is the Lord's blueprint? What would it take to implement? To bring the Church back to its foundation?
Divine Order
This is not about an apostolic movement, this is about Divine Order. This is about each member fulfilling their own calling, finding out what it is and how to do it. This is about all of us learning to work together, everyone doing his or her part in love. This is not about the authority of the apostles, but the governmental authority placed in the hands of both the apostles and elders. This is understanding that the present apostolic movement started after the IDF took the Temple Mount in 1967, the same time we started seeing record number of Jews meeting their Messiah, Jesus.
Blueprint for the Church
This is knowing that the blueprint for the church was given to Paul and was implemented by Paul and Peter, and the church flourished during the first century. This is knowing that at a definite point the Blueprint was ignored, forgotten or misunderstood and a false governmental structure was erected starting with the Apostle John, towards the end of his life, appointing Ignatius as sole bishop of Antioch with elders under him. The unintended consequence of this was that the checks and balances established by Divine Order were abandoned, and consequently the power that came from heaven was dissipated and then removed by the mid 2nd century. This is about dysfunctional church government being ingrained as “traditions of men” carried on after the Reformation and codified by the King James translation, where today we have a “pastor driven,” or priest driven, form of church government.
I believe that in these last days we will see a full restoration of all the benefits and responsibilities of the New Testament church in the Book of Acts. The Lord is not calling super apostles and super prophets as some believe, but servants willing to lay down their lives. This 21st century church is being rebuilt on the model shown Paul in the Original Blueprint, and will be more necessary as we see the social and economic fabric of Western societies continue to be torn apart. It’s not just a return of power, but the return of brotherly love and a right relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Thanks for reading.
Rick Fox
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