Charismatic Movement

Restoring the Church to the Original Blueprint

1977 Charismatic Renewal Conference in Kansas City, MO.

My history with the Charismatic Movement

It's time to put sanity back into the Charismatic Movement

Below are rough notes that will be expanded and edited.

I grew up in the Episcopal Church. I was a full participant and enjoyed my experiences. My involvement with the Charismatic movement started with my Mom who in 1963 joined a Charismatic women's Bible study in our Episcopal church. Then in the late 60's I started meeting people from the Jesus Movement. It was obvious they had something I didn't. I had college friends attending nondenominational charismatic services.

At that exact moment I had a power encounter. I was transformed in an instant from an intellectual Christian with. Then in September while I was on the top floor of a University library I was transported to the streets below where Jesus took my hand and led me through the valley of the shadow of death. (If you think this is weird, think how I felt as a guy in a 3 piece suit.) To read more about this click here.

Derek Prince and Agape Fellowship

I had been teaching classes on healing at my Episcopal church when I was informed that only priests could lay hands on the sick, anoint with oil and pray for the parishioner. It was then that I joined some friends in attending Agape Fellowship. 

Being the baggage handler on apostolic teams.

Grace & Government-The Restoration of the Apostles & Prophets

After my trip through the Valley the Lord started talking to me about His church. About original intent and what the original blueprint looked like. For the next year I learned about how its foundation was cracked and in disrepair. About how man built Christianity on this foundation after tearing down the original church. His church. The one the gates of hell wouldn't prevail against. 

He told me about the Jerusalem model for apostles and elders and the Antioch model. About apostolic centers and apostolic teams. How the ministries of Ephesian 4:11 relate to the government. What are the Scriptural tests for judging whether a church or fellowship is the right building on a good foundation?

Assembling Together

Revival, Baptisms, House Churches & Foundational Instructions

The '75 Shepherds Conference & the '77 Charismatic Renewal Conference

Both conferences were held in Kansas City. In both conferences I played a small role as our fellowship was in relationship with Derek Prince one of the principal speakers. 

Bob Jones and the Kansas City prophets

I first met Bob Jones in the mid 1970's, but the first major word I heard him give was lt the debriefing meeting held by Derek Prince after the '77 Charismatic Renewal Conference. Derek was going over the Conference and talking about where we were going. 

It was then that Bob gave a word about Kansas City. That it had just gone through seven fat years and was about to enter its lean years.

Continue reading:

C. Peter Wagner and the Apostolic Movement

I was sent a book by C. Peter Wagner, Apostles and Prophets, The Foundation of the Church and an then received an earlier book by David Cannistraci, Apostles and the Emerging Apostolic Movement and asked to comment. The friend that sent them thought I would be interest since I had been teaching on the subject for over25 years, but was no longer part of the modern charismatic movement.

First, I'm always impressed when someone labors through the process of writing a book, any book. But I'm especially happy when they took the time to write something on a theme that I am interested in.

Why the apostles and prophets do not govern the church!!!

The Church at the End of the Age

So what does it look like? What does it take to restore it?
