Jesus is the Law
Restoring the Church to the Original Blueprint
Yeshua reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah
The Commandments of Jesus
A Return to the New Testament Church of the Book of Acts
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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1
This is going to be about Jesus relationship with the Torah, the law of Moses and His commandments. What we will learn is that a part of Jesus earthly ministry which will continue in the age to come is to tell us what the Father means, especially in relationship to the law or Torah. Jesus was probably constantly saying, "you have heard, or it is written, I've come to tell you what my Father means." This can be seen in Matthew 19:3-8:
3Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?”
4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’[a] 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’[b]? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
7 “Why then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?”
8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
This is the hardest teaching, not the hardest lesson, that you will probably ever face. When I address it, many can't get past the preconceived understanding about, did Jesus fulfilling the Law, cancel the Law. Since so few Christians get this, it is important to discuss. If you are afraid to have this discussion, then please don't read on.
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” John 14:21
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,* but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17-20
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”
And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes. Matthew 7:21-29
“1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.” “Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”
It is taught from many pulpits that The Law of Moses was nailed to the cross and it’s no more binding. However, a study of God’s word reveals the deception this teaching of Christianity.
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